Caye Caulker -> Tulum (Mexico)

Ouch is really all I can say. Not the best morning to wake up especially when we had a lot of travel ahead to get to Tulum. Crawled out of bed and had a shower before going to get breakfast which was a little difficult to eat. Once that was finished we had to go and check out and go and catch the water taxi back to Belize mainland which wasn’t too bad. Once there we had to wait for the Linea Dorado bus to pick us up. I didn’t feel my best at this time with the revenge of the rum from last night. The bus arrived and we travelled to Chetumul through the border. From here we picked up our next ticket to Tulum just in the nick of time as luckily enough we managed to get an early ticket at 5pm rather than wait until 10pm which would have meant a 2am arrival in Tulum (badly organised by Bamba, not impressed). The bus however, was 2nd class and ram packed with locals – we were squashed right into the corner and it was dark but all was ok in the end. Phoebe and I held hands in support the whole way (bless) as Phoebe was a little nervous and I needed the loo the whole way there! We arrived at Tulum and got a cab straight to our hopeful hotel el Crucero and fixed the last room (with Mexican themed walls), located in the tourism car park it seems! Anyway, had some dinner in the restaurant accompanied by some American drunks and went to bed. Not the best day for a handover. No more booze for me!