Cayambe to Otavalo

Woke up as per usual and Pheebs and I headed to breakfast with the others. We had packed the night before so after breakfast we sorted out last minute stuff out and met Carlos. We then walked down the path to wait for the first bus to take us back to Cayambe. From there we had to wait for another bus to take us to Otavalo (which only took 30 – 40mins). Once there we checked into our hotel and then met Carlos in reception for a quick city tour. As we all wanted to visit the nearby lake, Carlos ordered a minivan driven by Washington. It only took 20- 30mins before we arrived at the lake. From there we took a boat ride around the crater lake. We were shown the volcanic water bubbles which percolated through the lake (the volcano is still active but not erupted for 4000 odd years) After that we were driven back to the town where Pheebs and I went for lunch on our own. After that we went shopping in the market and bought some rugs and hats. We wandered around the market for a while longer before heading back to the hotel. There we showered and chilled out for a while. At 4pm Jennifer knocked on the door to say Rachael was not very well and she was being taken to the hospital! (which was a little worrying!). We waited for a while and then met the rest of the group in the lobby for dinner. I got a call from Carlos to say that Rachael was ok and to go next door for dinner which we did (Pheebs had reservations about it). The meal (fish) was ok. Eventually Carlos and the girls came back and told us what happened.(she had a viral infection which was not contagious) After dinner Pheebs and I had a quick wander of the streets before heading back to the hotel room to chill and before going to bed.