Capt Brass Stag Do......

Guns and Ammo

How much fun can you have with 6 blokes, a shed load of paint, guns and running around in the woods…….LOTS! 🙂 Ah, with much delight we all set off for the joyus occation of James stag do. An early start involved picking up Ed from Farncombe before making our way to SPG in Dorking. Ed, Matt and I were early unlike the rest of them! 🙂 After playing speedball (a close hand combat game which involves inflatable features and lots of running around getting shot) we then had to stop for a spot of Quad Biking. Man, that was amusing, with some attempts of getting airborne, branches in our faces and mud everywhere and not getting injured (well everyone apart from James). Further paintball games later James had the fun of walking the Gaunlett in front of 100+ players and getting shot. Lucky enough for him the best man had to join him and other victims. Lucky again was the fact that my gun ran out of gas……bugger……I’ll get him again…..although I think Ed had several hits……

Good shot

After shooting nearly 4000 rounds between us, we left to make our way over to Kingston to get changed and tarted up for the outing to the Hawian Resturant for food and several well needed beers. Now the food was pretty good although you did have to either use the a ready made resipee or make one up yourself….which was cool. Once you had you mixture in a bowl you gave it to the grill man to cook it on the open steel heated cooker. Once that was finished with, we left and attempted to get into the club opposite but couldn’t get in due to one of us not wearing a shirt (Ed!) so we ended up going down to the river for Champagne and further beers. We did manage to get hold of a shirt for Ed from the Bar Manager and he was also kind enough to take a picture.

The boys on the town

When we got thrown out of that bar we headed to the club next door for even more beers and a touch of people watching and James was lucky enough to have his second hand L plates nicked! lol

James and his L plates

Several hours passed by and several drinks later we descided it was enough and made our way back to our Travellodge for a much needed rest…..

For the rest of the photos have a look here