Cancun -> Merida

Up early again and peered outside, still overcast and very windy. Had great breakfast again and then went to check our mail at internet café. Back to Hotel, checked out and headed off to get the bus to Merida. Four hours later we made it and then walked, what seemed like miles, to the Nomadas Hostel which we booked for a couple of nights. We dropped our stuff off and went out to explore the town and find a suitable place for a drink. Merida is the capital of the Yucatan Peninsula and a city of cultural and arts heritage. Very interesting and beautiful (although Andy wasn’t so impressed). We found a beautiful restaurant with tables in individual little balconies overlooking the streets below, plus a church and a large tree that housed a number of very raucous birds! After we relaxed for a little while we found another rather lively bar to sample some Mexican tequila (the local stuff) which went down surprisingly well. We then found a busy restaurant for some food. We soon discovered all of the homeless cats and dogs as we were made to feel very guilty by a number of kittens that were manoeuvring around our feet under the dinner table. Headed back to the hotel and again, totally collapsed.