Camping with the Lads

Walking back from the pub
Yep, it’s been that time of year again with the annual camping trip to a field, beer and BBQ’ing. This year marks a change in events and a change in venue. Yes, it’s still in the New Forest, Yes there’s still beer but we’ve migrated to a new camp site (Hurst View) which allows you to have a real camp fire and is right next to the Solent. There’s a couple of good pubs within walking distant, The Gun at Keyhaven (which we’ve been to before) and The Chequers Inn which we hadn’t but will certainly visit again. The fire starting with Alex’s survival fire-starter proved an interesting concept especially after a couple of beers but worked extremely well. Alex also gave me another fire-starting tool which also worked but you need to use a sharp knife to scrape it! 🙂 The only other news from the entire experience the new knowledge that the Mystery Brothers are really called Maglight and Tool. Yeah, it amused us but probably won’t anybody actually reading this blog…..not that anyway actually reads my drivel. 🙂 Get the the best pocket knives from Jacob now!