Birthday, Phoebe's Exam & Susan and Paul's Wedding in Brighton

Susan & Paul

Wow, another fun packed weekend with my Birthday on Friday and a trip up to London to see Pheebs. Actually it was pleasant apart from the Man Cold I was suffering. Pheeb’s took me to LMNT a very strange dinning room especially the quirky decor and porno prints in the toilets. We sat up in a two person enclave and enjoyed a couple of beers and some food. It wasn’t a late on as Pheeb’s had her anatomy exam the next day for Acupuncture and I was the guest model! lol 🙂

Andy and Pheebs

After getting up early we made our way from Bethnal Green over to Finchley Central to the London Acupuncture Centre where Pheeb’s completed her exam by drawing certain key acupuncture point over me. It was quite funny to stand there in a pair of shorts whilst being drawn over in front of two examiners. Still apart from my arm pit dripping scenario everything went well and I think Pheeb’s has done well. Next it was back to London Bridge and to catch the train down to Brighton for the Wedding at 1430 which we did well within time. The wedding ceremony went well in traditional style at the church before we headed down the beach front to the reception at the hotel.

Andy, Phoebe, Andy & Ellenor

It was good to see Paul & Susan get married and to catch up with Andy and Ellenor again, although the guest house we stayed was functional but slightly dirty. Still we had a good nights sleep and a nice cooked breakfast before heading off to the pier to meet Phoebe’s Japanese friend Aya. After burning ourselves on the beach we headed back to Brookwood via my parents to pick up Dad’s car and then onto the pub for dinner and drinks with Ed, Claire and Matt. A hectic weekend and was glad to drift off to sleep…. 🙂