Banos to Cuenca

Woke up and went to breakfast. After which we got packed ready for our long trip to Cuenca. Once the mini bus arrived we piled on (with our luggage strapped down on the roof!) and then set off. After several hours of driving and being amused at the near misses on the road we descended into a little village for lunch (which was just in the clouds) From there we drove another couple of hours until we reached Ingapirca the old Inca ruins. Carlos gave us a guided tour of the site and then a quick tour of the museum before we set off again. Another couple of hours later we arrived at La Casona hotel just outside the centre of Cuenca. Once we got settled we all met up again for dinner Carlos took us to a Chinese restaurant where he had to translate the menu for us. Once we all ate Pheebs and I headed back to the hotel and ended up watching TV for a while before going to sleep.