At it again......

…..ok so my liver has had a chance to recover before I polute it further with this weekends activity. Well at least I was kinda good friday night with a visit to Craggy Island to climb instead of drinking! Well after a late start of picking Rup and Spenny up we managed to make it to Putney where we were all staying.

Managed to grab a quick pint and a laugh at Gary wearing his Captain Caveman outfit although I think Cavey had more hair……but saying that…… Several buses and cabs later we made it to Westborn Studios for some painting. Yep, sorta different to the usual stag group thins but well worth it. Pictures will be available once someone has made them public! After art extrondiaire and lots of wine, another cab journey took us to the Jazz Cafe in Camden where tables were booked for the entire party. Lucky for us there was a Hen party next to us so the conversation soon went on! Perhaps too much with some people! 🙂

Beer, food and some really good Jazz left us feeling like further adventures, so we left and headed over to Leister Square to the Zoo Bar. Lucky for us (inside knowledge) we got in for free into a sea of people…….I guess it’s popular (so were the girls dancing on the bar). Hours of further drinking, dancing and talking loudly above the sound system left us drained (or perhaps it was the fact it had gone 0300!), so we all headed back to the hotel via various taxis… a much needed sleep…..which was to be a short one!

Up at 10 and straight for the cafe for the much needed cooked breakfast! Ahhh, kinda helped the hangover…….. I left early and headed over to the P’s for some food but Gary and Co headed over to the Love Party in another London location for the “Hair of the Dog”………

Just need to prepare myself for the Wedding next weekend………..