Another year older......

It’s funny really, getting older, wiser, more experienced and in my case…..stupider! lol Man, what a messy evening Friday was. Managed to email 75 people to see if they were free for an evening of amusement in Guildford and 25 odd people came out (to drink that is). The evening started out well at the Weyside, drinking several flagons of ale before traipsing off to RSVP (which was empty for once)…..this meant another trip to the wonderfully exciting Voodoo Lounge and the Drink. An expensive beer drinking / dancing / talking crap to various people time later and the inevitable dribble spouting ride back in the taxi the evening was over. The next day the casualty list increased as various levels of hangovers kicked in……mine was especially fun….. man I’m getting too old for this shit. 🙂 I’d like to say a special thanks to all those that came out and enjoyed the messy occasion. To those of you that didn’t make it……get your arses in gear for the next exciting evening out adventure coming to a town near you……..