Andy Keen's Stag Do

Just come back from a fun packed day/evening out for Andy’s stag do orgainised very well by KKev. We all met up via various forms of transport at a pub near Surrey Paintball for lunch before embarking on an afternoon of quad biking which was exellent fun. The only problem with it being fun is that everyone is now looking for quad bikes to purchase! 🙂 Andy finished in spectacular style by attempting a doughnut but unfortunately his skill let him down and he came flying off into the instructors quad bike. Doh. Ed also had a close shave with some rather testosterone fueled lads in BMWs who didn’t quite like his gestures for being quiet. Still, we all managed to escape without anything escalating and made our way to Doking train station and the trip up to London. Once there we headed to our hotel to get cleaned up before our next destination……. Urban Golf (Indoor Golf Range). Now, I’ve never really played golf before and it really showed. It’s a very difficult game but….and I won’t shout this out, very enjoyable and I suspect with a little more practice I might continue to like it. Everyone had a good time with lots of meetings with Mr Grolsh and Mr Burger….. which obviously explains whilst we racked up a fairly large bill! lol After that we found a pub for a few more liquid refreshments before heading off to the midnight session at the Comedy Store which was very amusing. After that we headed back around 3am to a much needed sleep as most of us can’t handle staying up after midnight…, old age is starting to have an effect….. 🙂 The next day some of us met for breakfast before heading back home to nurse our handovers. Next stop with be the wedding in September…. 🙂