Andy and the banana cake....

Banana Cake

Yep, time to bake a cake and not waste the 4 bananas I had left after camping with the boys last weekend. For this partitular version I used the following ingredients:

4 bananas, squished.
3 beaten and battered eggs
6 oz sugar
8 oz plain flour
1 teaspoon soda bicarbonate
1 teaspoon salt
4 oz melted butter

Butter the cake tin (using the butter wrapper!) and then lob the bananas into a blending machine to really squish them! For those of you who prefer larger lumps of banana then don’t squish so much! πŸ™‚ Add, the eggs, sugar and butter in the blending machine until you get a nice paste. In another bowel sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt together. Add the banana paste together and mix well using a spoon (or hands if you like……no really!). Pour into the cake tin. If using the round ring cake mould, bake for 40 minutes at 180C. I used a loaf pan which cook about 50 minutes at 180C. Test the middle of the cake to check if it’s cooked before removing from the oven……

….eat when cold with a nice cup of tea! πŸ™‚