An Afternoon at Chelsea

Chelsea 09

Mum, Dad, Phoebe’s and I paid a visit to Chelsea and the world famous flower show as none of us had ever been before. I think we were expecting a fairly quiet afternoon concidering it was a memembers afternoon but we were sure wrong……it was absolutely heaving! 🙁 Still, we wandered around looking at the exhibit gardens and managed to get a peek at some of them after pushing through the onlookers. Mum and Dad descided to wander around on their own so Pheebs and I also wandered looking at the impressive floral displays. We managed to bump into Kim Cattrall in the covered hall but didn’t see any further movie stars. We managed to also see Alan Titchmarsh sitting in one of the gardens about to talk about something but didn’t get anywhere near due to the crowds of people flocking. It was good to finally see what all the fuss was about but to be honest I think it’s a little expensive to wander round a sales pitch arena. From talking to other friends who’ve been there, the trick is to get there first thing in the morning and then run around very quickly before the hoards turn up! lol I believe the Hampton Court Flower show is supposed to be bigger, less packed and more worth the dosh, so perhaps we’ll try that next year. Still it’s give Pheeb’s and I some things to think about……