A week in Tuscany


Pheebs and I just enjoyed our short but sweet honeymoon to Tuscany, Italy where we stayed in a private villa in Lucolena near Florance. The villa was called Casetta Busecchio and booked through To-Tuscany who specialise in Villa’s all over Italy. Ours was in the middle of no where in the heart of the Tuscan countryside and we saw hundreds of gekko’s, huge bugs the size of hummingbirds, birds of prey circling, fire flys, baby wild bore, wild hare and two wild cats during the course of the week. The highlight (other than enjoying the countryside, wine and each others company was a wine and tasting tour at the Castello del Verranzano which also included a 5 course meal unfortunately I had to drive so couldn’t drink much wine at all. 🙁 The flight there was booked by Easy Jet and also included a car so the TomTom came in handy getting there. I think we’d both certainly enjoy a return visit at some point but not necessarily the same villa which could sleep 10-12 people…….. it was a little eerie when it got dark but so nice to enjoy a little piece and quiet after the hecticness of the wedding preparations.