A spot of rewiring.....

Behind the TV are 2 x double sockets, a feed for the Sky dish and an extension lead from the other side of the room where the telephone box is located. I thought it would be wise to bring the phone socket over to behind the TV so I can run my Sky updates, plug the telephone in and connect my broadband connection in a neat and tidy manor. This meant removing the old TV aerial cable feed from outside and then sinking the all the sockets into the wall. Dad lent me a neat drilling template for fitting boxes into walls which came in handy but is still a lengthly process because of all the drilling involved. Basically it’s a double socket shaped piece of plastic with multiple drill holes in which you place where you’d like the socket and then screw fix to the wall before drilling through the template to the required box depth. Once you’ve drilled the 30 odd holes for a double socket you remove it and then cold chisel out the plaster/brick/concrete so the metal gang box can fit in. Once it does you then screw into the wall and then make sure you’ve got chased gaps for the cables coming out of the box and under the floor. Obviously I was putting back some new skirting board so a lot of the cable mess was hidden behind it! 🙂

As you can see it looks a little neater than the external plastic boxes that were on there before! Once the re-wiring was done I cut and treated the skirting board before screwing into place. It also enabled me to put the radiator back and get some warmth into the room. Yeah, I know I’ve a wood burning stove but its a little bad to use all the time especially when I’ve not had a chance to chop up some of the wood I’ve got located in my wood shed! 🙂

Only another 3423 things to do……