A short trip to Wisley

Phoebe at Wisley

Took Pheebs to visit Wisley Gardens as she managed to have a free weekend off from College. The new glass house was interesting to wander around but probably needs a little time to “wear in” as it has that far too new feel to it. The allotment area was excellent and gave both Pheebs and I ideas for what to grow when one of us gets a garden sorted. Still Pheebs isn’t doing too badly collecting plants on her balcony outside her flat in London! 🙂 The other thing was that we managed to see lots of Wormerys around the site and when we got back I managed to order one cheap via the local council who are all up for residents recycling food produce. Hopefully it’ll enable me to recycle all the left over waste and make some worm compost! Yay…. stay tuned…… 🙂
