A season of weddings

Blimey, I was hopefully for a rest after several hard partying weekends of stag do’s, but NO my friends have to get married as well! The first was Gary and Ruth on the 30/07/05 in Speldhurst which had Adrian playing the organ during the ceremony. I think the Star Wars theme went down very well! 🙂 Following the service it was back to the reception pub for the drinking to commence. Sadly a couple of us missed the splendid steam train as the others got smashed on champagne! Dancing, booze and more dancing later Keith announced Gary and Ruth’s wedding present from the Sun team…… a couple of weeks away somewhere warm! Nice! 🙂 Pictures of the wedding are available from Adrian’s website here.

Then a couple of weeks later on the 13/08/05, we see Adrian and Rosie tie the knot in Lyndhurst which was again a very pleasant ceremony in St Michael’s Church. I must say that the Choir was excellent and the champagne that followed! hic! 🙂 We then made the long journey across the road to the Crown Hotel for further drinks which then stayed there for the remainder of the evening! It was good to see so many great faces from Sun there.

I think congrats to both newly married couples! 🙂