A Holiday in Cornwall

Eden Project

Pheebs and I paid a visit to Cornwall for a short break which was fantastic as it gave us a chance to visit the Eden Project. I must say on the first view of the massive biomes, I was taken aback and continued to be so visiting the site. My favorite place at Eden was the tropical biome and as stated was like being in a tropical jungle. It took about 30 to 40 minutes to walk around the biome and I’m glad I actually wore shorts and a T-shirt as anything would have reduced me to a sweating mass! šŸ™‚

Inside Eden

The mediterranean biome was a lot cooler than it’s neighbor and although very enjoyable, was no match for the tropical biome in my humble opinion. I think Pheebs preferred the mediterranean one more than the tropical due to the temperature difference but I actually liked the humidity.

Inside Eden

We managed to see Tiff Needell drive into the Eden garden in a tri-fuel Lotus to promote the Sexy Green Car Show which was happening at the weekend and close enough to watch him being filmed for the event. I guess I must have watched more Top Gear than Phoebe as she didn’t have a clue who he was! šŸ™‚

Tiff Needell

The next day we then paid a visit to the Lost Gardens of Heligan for further green pleasure which was another enjoyable experience. Certainly seeing the Eden Project and the Lost Garden of Heligan as encouraged me to grow more plants and try to grow my own vegatables. I guess I now need to think about planning what to do with my small outdoor court yard and see if I can create my own personal Eden (but probably under strict guidance of Phoebe)! šŸ™‚

The Lost Gardens of Heligan

It was certainly nice to be off work and I’m certainly glad we spent our break in B & B’s rather than camping as the weather was a little bit iffy in places. We managed to find two places in which to stay using the Eden Project Accommodation Index. The first place we stayed in was the Smugglers Den & Smuggler’s Cottage in Grampound and the Millbeam Farmhouse in Lanlivery which I personally preferred but mainly because it was near to the 12th Century Crown Inn and we could walk there! šŸ™‚ (Oh and it been nice food and beer!).

We also paid a visit to Fowey, Falmouth and Flushing where I’ve been before but it brought back memories of owning my boat… šŸ™ I guess I’ll have to wait later in life to see if I can afford another boat as I’d like to sail into Fowey at some point. Still, my friend John is planning on sailing around the UK in the summer so at least I can get some sailing fun in again!

Anyway, pictures from holiday can be found here.